
Bogliste for John Samuelsen

Windows to the womb

David Chamberlain

The body never lies
The truth will set you free
The drama of the gifted child

Alice Miller

The body awereness workbook for trauma

Julie Brown Yau

In an unspoken voice
Trauma and memory
Freedom from pain
Walking the tiger

Peter a. Levine

Meeting the Shadow

Edited by Connie Zweig and Jeremiah Abrams

When the body says no
The realm of the hungry ghosts

Gabor Maté

The boy who was raised as a dog

Bruce d. Perry and Maia Szalavitz

The polyvagal theory

Stephen W. Porges

Love`s hidden symmetry
No waves without the ocean
Hellinger sciencia

Bert Hellinger

The body keeps the score

Bessel van der Kolk


Lars J Sørensen

The seacret life of the unborn Child

Thomas Verny with John Kelly

It didn’t start with you

Mark Wolynn

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